Friday, 21 November 2008

How Computers Work

Each time a computer is activated, a process called booting will occur the first time. There are three stages in the process of booting process, namely the CPU reset, Power-On-Self-Test (POST), and the boot disk.
CPU reset
CPU reset is a process that the PC is done first. This is because the CPU is the most important component. Then reset the CPU made the first start for all activities. CPUs are usually triggered by the reset button, power, but can also be done from the network or other systems. After the CPU on the Basic Input Output System (BIOS) are also active.
BIOS work to serve the movement of data include computer information systems But because the input and output are determined. The BIOS can be protected using a password to be able to start work. So without the correct password the computer BIOS will not work. In the BIOS there is a program called Power-On-Self-Test (POST).
Will be testing the basic components of the computer. When the CPU to activate the BIOS, the program's run. The first review by POST is the integrity and the program's CPU itself. Moreover, the program will check the disk's drives, monitors, RAM, and keyboard. At the BIOS POST is active and not yet done, you can menginterupsi booting process and the configuration CMOS.
CMOS is a small memory to store the BIOS configuration and its importance as the media make booting, the processor, memory, and more. Here also saved time and accurate for the dismantling of the computer. CMOS batteries are equipped with a special order data is not lost in it.
Boot disk
Boot disk needed after POST finished because the computer is ready to run the operating system that is very useful for connecting with the human computer. Starting the operating system needed a system that will initiate the beginning combine all functions into one computer and ready for use. This initial system and then stored in the media that the computer can read. This medium term is called the boot disk.
To continue to use the computer, boot disk must be absolutely no any medium. The media which will become the boot disk you can do in the BIOS. After all finished, you are ready to use the computer.
Loading Operating System
After three early into the process, the computer will be using the operating system. As you know, many operating system that is currently circulating, such as the Windows operating system, Linux, etc..
Three important things that must be understood about the operating system is working the way the operating system itself (kernel), file system, and the user interface (shell), and do not forget the applications that run on it.
How the Windows operating system include the understanding of the system account on Windows NT and their families, file access control, registry, system logging, and more. All have the same level of interest, but generally the system registry, and logging is a component that will be frequently seen.
System logging is a component of the computer documentation because this is recorded in the log all the data movement. In the operating system Windows NT/2000/XP, logging stored in the directory "% systemroot% \ system32 \ config \" (c: \ winnt \ system32 \ config \). Log files that are included in the file Appevent.evt (contains records of the application), Secevent.evt (recording activities related to security, including login), Sysevent.evt (record all incidents related to the system as for example, the shutdown). In addition to these files are log files that are available to be observed / views back again.

B I O S (Basic Input Output System)
BIOS program is a program kontroler standard installed in the motherboard. This program is stored in the IC chip called the ROM (Read Only Memory) and always work to control the hardware installed on the motherboard, although not used the computer (turned off). This is made possible by the small batteries that were installed on the motherboard.
People often mention this IC chip with a BIOS ROM IC. At the time it finished, the program must be set in accordance with the types of electronic equipment that will be connected with the motherboard. In addition, each program when the BIOS will always control the hardware installed even if you turn off the computer. Controls currently allows each computer is always ready for use when you switch on the computer. On the condition of weak batteries small, usually peengaturan in the BIOS program is lost, so you make the difficult computer. You must return to reset the BIOS program as you do it on time.
ROM BIOS and consists of several kinds, among others:
- Etc.
Usually to enter the BIOS setup mode, such as CMOS BIOS, AMI BIOS, and some other mode BIOS, so when the computer was first switched on, we can press the button del.
For IBM BIOS setup mode we must press the F1 key or F10, while for the BIOS Setup mainboad with Intel Chips that use the F2 key, while for Compaq machines modd old setup, the user must first enter the BIOS setup floppy disks it, so can make the settings desired.
How safe mengotak-atik PC BIOS settings
When Windows is the friendly face of the projects shown to the world of computers, the BIOS is the dark side of the subconscious duty to think. BIOS (Basic Input / Output System) is the code for the fundamental functions of the PC, such as collecting pounding the keys of the keyboard or put pixel to screen.
This small program working behind the scenes, translating commands of Windows, people-friendly become zero and one that is only understood by your hardware. As natural and unconscious people, the BIOS can be very strong influence on the behavior and performance of your PC.
Update BIOS
When new technologies appear and the old bug is found, the computer often publish a version that was updated BIOS that can overcome the problems and improve performance. Check the Web site of your PC manufacturer on the latest update. But first make sure you have the latest BIOS version number; usually appear briefly in the monitor you right after you turn on the system. (Press the Pause when kilasannya too quickly.)
Updating the BIOS easy, but you must do so with caution. Usually you need to run a small program from the floppy disk only. However, when problems occur, you can only mourn the motherboard that can no longer use. So make sure that you have read all the instructions in the readme file update the BIOS, and always do exactly what these instructions say it.
Utility Setup
If the BIOS is unconscious PC, the setup utility is the foundation to build character PC. Utility has settings for the user to control hard disk, memory, graphics cards, power saving, USB port, and other hardware. These programs are usually included in the disk, but is now stored in the chip ROM with the PC BIOS.
Because the setup utility created by the BIOS manufacturer and are in the same chip with the BIOS, this is often called the BIOS setup utility. And because the utility is saving settings in the chip clock / calendar - chip complementary metal-oxide semiconductor, or CMOS - so often referred to as the CMOS setup program. (Chip CMOS batteries have to maintain their own settings even if the PC chip is turned off.)
Setup utility has a drawing of the hardware settings, ranging from the obvious visible, such as setting the time clock in a PC, which is not visible until, as the number of "wait states" that coordinate the flow of data between the CPU and RAM.
Technical BIOS Setup
First thing you need to remember to do before the BIOS setup is not harmful.
When the setup utility to work with a PC, use the same practical instructions taught in the early brain surgery: "If you do not know what you are doing, then better do not deal with it." Carelessness wait to change the state or other settings can reduce the performance or even cause the system to crash.
If you think you've accidentally change the settings when working with the setup utility, immediately stop and start from scratch again. All the setup utility has a menu that allows you to exit without saving changes. You may also see the option to restore the settings to the default values. Ignore this option: If your PC vendor has been doing fine-tune the system, the default settings of the BIOS manufacturer may not make it optimal.

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