As the credit crunch bites, companies are looking ever more closely to their IT departments in order to make them more flexible, efficient and profitable and hence more capable of withstanding whatever the inclement economic times throws at them.
In addition to needing to be able to react to downward financial pressures, IT managers have to do a lot more with less and to make savings across IT estates. Yet these estates are at the same time becoming more widespread as companies support home and mobile workers to expand their reach.
Effective and cost –efficient management of the desktop and laptop devices used by such workers and those back in the office is vital to future business prospects.
Luckily for IT mangers there now exists technologies at chip level that can be applied to desktops and laptops that allow them to manage devices across their estate more efficiently and also get more out of them. That is to say technology that reduces power consumption, reduces maintenance calls, and makes more effective and easier patch management; in short producing tangible business benefits.
This webinar examine such technologies that can bring about such benefits. It will:
-Outline the current landscape for the desktop and laptop environment, identifying the trends and dynamics
-Identify the key technological issues firms face regarding their desktop estates
-Offer strategies that firms can take in order to improve the effectiveness of their desktop and laptop estates’
-Outline the likely challenges that businesses need to overcome in order to make the necessary improvements
-Draw on a case study of an end user that has used advanced strategies – for example virtualisation - in order to bring out measurable efficiencies and to address the challenges of having to increase efficiency and productivity in the datacentre
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